Why Bose Finance?

Bose Finance
Mar 3, 2021

An BEP20 Token With Passive Yield Generation & Instant Token Burns! Each transaction attracts a 2% fee.1% for buy back and burn.1% for distribution to token holders.

Q~ What problem will BOSE FINANCE solve in the block chain industry that any other similar projects have not solved, how do you plan stay relevant in the industry?


1. We want to do away with rug pulls and scams and stay open to investors and the community at large. We kept our word: Listed the project, burned unsold tokens, renounced contract ownership and locked liquidity for ever.

2. Investors can bet on Bose Finance team that we will NEVER abandon the project like other projects keep doing. We are here with the project as long as Crypto Remains.

3. We will keep innovating the project so HODLERS and the community can have huge returns for their investments.



Bose Finance

x3 Moon Mission - Periodic Burns and Passive Yield Farming!